The Mariano Rivera Foundation

The Mariano Rivera Foundation is a non-profit assisting underserved children through education, mentorship, and resources. They approached my agency looking for consistent, professional social media content that would broaden their audience and inform the public of their many initiatives.

My contributions:

  • Client discovery and industry research

  • Social media strategy, copywriting, & design

  • Ongoing analytics evaluation and strategy adaptation


My approach to social media takes into account both followers and new viewers. With a solid hashtag strategy in place, I intend for these posts to reach users that have never heard of the foundation before. Including a few introductory posts - or posts that show what the brand is about in a way anyone can understand - helps newcomers determine if they’re interested. This strategy aims to add new members to the audience and expand our reach over time.


Our mentorship program connects young men (16-20) with mentors, skills, and tools that foster success in every area of their lives.

We debuted our first program last year in Gainesville, Florida with plans to expand to New York and Houston. In less than a year of progress, our mentees have explored in-demand career paths, traveled together to New York, and created a community of growth.

Despite a record-breaking 652 saves, induction into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, and receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Mariano Rivera's work is far from over.

His greatest achievement will be Save 653, The Mariano Rivera Foundation. By providing resources and mentorship to today's underserved youth, Mariano is using his success to empower the next generation. Learn more at

Our mission is to inspire kids to be STRONG as their confidence is being built, be BRAVE in the midst of the challenges they face, and be reminded that they are CAPABLE of achieving a brighter future.

Through our combined efforts, we're making a difference that will help young people fulfill their potential and accomplish great things.

Establishing Need

To create a compelling argument for donations, I first needed to establish a need. These posts focused on statistics, news, and the research behind how poverty affects students. While the topics aren’t uplifting and didn’t always perform well, this content sets the stage for MRF to solve these very real problems.


Teachers are changing professions. And our nation's children are feeling the effects.

While we ask our school systems to adapt and improve, our job becomes even more essential. MRF provides individual care and attention when overworked teachers can't. We focus on the underserved students that could otherwise fall through the cracks. We change lives, one child at a time.

Your donations help us provide resources, hire mentors, and fund our upcoming Learning Center in New York. Donate today!

When a student acts out in class, they're often asking for help.

With limited resources, schools aren't often able to provide the individual attention needed to find the root of behavioral issues. This is where a mentor, a community, and a listening ear make all the difference.

MRF values each child on an emotional level. We don't just want them to get good grades - we strive to build up emotional intelligence, purpose, and life lessons in the students we teach.

14 million students attend schools with police but no support staff.

Support staff - like counselors, nurses, and social workers - have a proven effect on student success. They improve attendance, achievement, behavior, and graduation rates. But too few children receive the care and resources they deserve.

MRF provides mentorship and one-on-one care for underserved youth. With your help, we offer the guidance young people need during their formative years. Every contribution helps us reach more children.

Calls to Action

The overall strategy for encouraging donations was three parts: show the need, show MRF’s solution, and ask for a donation. With this model, the audience is seeing just how their contribution addresses a problem they understand. By showing exactly how they’re making a difference, I kept the messaging solutions-focused while addressing very real issues. An MRF follower would see both posts about the issues and the positive change driven by the organization.


The MRF Learning Center in New Rochelle is our biggest investment in mentoring students to date. This 40,000 square foot learning center will change the lives of an untold number of young students - and you can help us make it happen.

Your donations will help fund the operation of the Learning Center, sponsor students who will benefit from our services, and drive the creation of new programs to further our impact.

Donate today!

Preparing high schoolers for adult life rests on our shoulders.

That's why we're looking to supplement what's taught in our classrooms. At the Mariano Rivera Learning Center in New Rochelle, we'll teach STEM education, vocational training, and college preparation. We'll give each student the foundation they need to make an informed decision about their life after high school.

Donate to help fund the Learning Center!

Every year, the Mariano and Clara Rivera Scholarship changes the lives of two college-bound students.

When we see passionate, committed students, we recognize their potential to find success. By covering four years of tuition and housing, this scholarship makes college possible for bright young people who couldn't otherwise afford it.

Your donations help us continue this tradition. Contribute today!

Motivational & Minority History

Before I began working for MRF, they posted many #MOtivationalMonday posts, referencing Mariano’s nickname. The idea of providing some inspirational and shareable content was great, but I wanted to tie it in to the mission.

I continued the trend with quotes that came from minority roles models, or quotes that specifically talked about serving children. I accompanied quotes with a brief caption about their author. I intentionally highlighted minority leaders to show great role models for the children MRF serves - minority and underserved students.


Take it from the first black woman to travel into space - you aren't limited by other's expectations.

Dr. Mae Jamison attended Stanford starting at just 16 years old. Her career spans many areas - serving as a medical officer in the Peace Corps, orbiting the Earth with NASA, and teaching environmental studies at Dartmouth College. She shows us that with a love of learning and faith in yourself, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Hank Aaron is considered one of the best baseball players of all time. That doesn't mean he didn't have bad days.

With persistence and dedication, he set records and earned a place in the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

We know Nelson Mandela as a revolutionary and a scholar.

He made a huge difference in our world - not just by fighting apartheid, but by bringing education to the children of South Africa. Through his commitment to educating others, his legacy continues to influence our future.